Typology of errors

#API #V2

Andrei Georgescu avatar
Écrit par Andrei Georgescu
Mis à jour il y a plus d’une semaine

For successful requests, HTTP status code 200 OK is returned with the response body containing a “data” JSON root item (except for POST authenticate). Otherwise, a specific standard HTTP status code is returned according to the type of error. Structure of error message is:

"path": "", → relative path to the API endpoint URI
"key": "", → pre-defined enumeration for typology of error
"message": "" → contextual description of the error

Typology of errors is described in the table below:

HTTP Status Code




400 Bad Request


Required parameter is missing in the query

In query parameters or query body

400 Bad Request


Value of parameter is not valid

In query parameters or query body

401 Unauthorized


Access token is invalid or has expired

Invalid credentials used while querying the API endpoint

403 Forbidden


API Consumer does not have the adequate privilege to execute the query

Account key used is not allowed to execute a query targeting a different account

404 Not Found


Object identifier could not be found

409 Conflict


Parameter values are inconsistent or do not satisfy business rules

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